
Welcome Lorem ipsum sar 2021

The 12th SAR Conference on Artistic Research of the Society for Artistic Research from 7th to 9th April 2021 is hosted by mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna in cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the University of Applied Arts Vienna.

It is oriented on the three attractors "care", "dare" and "share" and is the first SAR conference organized as a live online event.

This intensive collaboration of the three art universities of Vienna and the Society for Artistic Research gives opportunity to join current discourses and share experiences and insights of artistic research in a focused and interactive way.

The online format also reaches out to include participation for new geographical regions and invites artistic researchers to share their work, processes, methods, discoveries, knowledge interventions, new insights, understandings, and to engage in exchange—in actions and words, in complex and simple, conventional and unconventional, robust and fragile ways.

The keynote speakers will be: Emma Cocker (Nottingham Trent University), Liza Lim (Sydney Conservatorium of Music), and Jyoti Mistry (University of Gothenburg).

All the 44 presenters have been invited to question normativity, involve the most varied formats of knowledge, and take up positions on social and societal issues, responsibility to society, geographic diversity, the social situation of artists, possible conflicts between artistic freedom and research ethics, questions regarding access to artistic research, and much more.

The contributions to this conference will be either pre-produced or streamed live on the conference platform, where they can be experienced audio-visually and reflected upon as part of an international discourse in videoconferences that will include abundant time for discussion and the exchange of ideas.

The object here is also to illuminate how the various contributions relate to the thematic attractors (care, dare, share), portray the relationships between artistic practice and reflective exploration, and question the social relevance of artistic research and the diverse methods of research and presentation being employed. All this will furthermore serve to make visible how artistic decisions, methods, turning points, ethical questions, and challenges of collaboration, dissemination, and documentation are dealt with in the respective projects. Last but not least, the conference platform will also provide ample opportunity for the informal and individual exchange of ideas between the conference participants as well as for networking. In our virtual “SAR bar” themed tables as well es tables without predefined topics will invite the participants to meet and exchange thoughts throughout the whole conference.

Soundscape "Dare—Care—Share" by Johannes Kretz with contributions of the of the conference committee.



Keynote speaker 01 header can be placed here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem.

Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Fusce vulputate eleifend sapien. Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In ac dui quis mi consectetuer lacinia. Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum. Sed aliquam ultrices mauris. Integer ante arcu, accumsan a, consectetuer eget, posuere ut, mauris. Praesent adipiscing. Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrum nunc. Nunc nonummy metus. Vesti.

Keynote speaker 01 header can be placed here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem.

Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Fusce vulputate eleifend sapien. Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In ac dui quis mi consectetuer lacinia. Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum. Sed aliquam ultrices mauris. Integer ante arcu, accumsan a, consectetuer eget, posuere ut, mauris. Praesent adipiscing. Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrum nunc. Nunc nonummy metus. Vesti.

Keynote speaker 01 header can be placed here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem.

Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Fusce vulputate eleifend sapien. Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In ac dui quis mi consectetuer lacinia. Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum. Sed aliquam ultrices mauris. Integer ante arcu, accumsan a, consectetuer eget, posuere ut, mauris. Praesent adipiscing. Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrum nunc. Nunc nonummy metus. Vesti.



Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.


Julia Fromm


Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research

Additional Presenters

↦ Sophie Bösker, Lisa Ebenstein, Aneta Luberda, Christina Weiler, Ruth Mateus-Berr


This presentation explores posthumanist, critical disability questions as `how to think difference positively’ (R Braidotti). It presents five projects developed in collaboration with/caring for people of impairment, focusing on their abilities, by sharing experiences and artistic research. Co-Ability. Dismantling Barriers through artistic research engages in experiencing impaired senses - via the process of making:

1. creating an image with just your own voice,
2. experiencing artistic expression in a playful way,
3. oscillating between rebellion and surrender in the mechanical principle of operation,
4. feeling constraints, in order to understand a voice based language,
5. exploring the everyday work of an assistant at a household of a family in a wheelchair.


Julia FROMM, a student and artist based in Vienna works at WUK-Werkstätten und Kulturhaus. She was born in 1995. Body, fragment and space form the core content-related aspects of the artist’s transversal-media work (video, design, sound, object & performance). Imminent vulnerability in organic body forms fall in contrast to linear-architectural frame. Normativity is decomposed and transformed through matter, similiar to an autopsy.

Duration of
Contributions And
15 min contribution +
15 min discussion +
10 min break
25 min contribution +
25 min discussion +
10 min break
50 min contribution +
50 min discussion +
20 min break

Register now

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Conference fee:

  • EUR 200.00 Non-SAR-members
  • EUR 100.00 SAR members from SAR institutional member organisations
    To register in this category, you must use your institutional email address.
    Check if your institution is a SAR-member here
  • EUR 100.00 Individual SAR members with institutional affiliation (employment), such as higher educational institutions, cultural organisations etc.
  • EUR 30.00 Non-institutional-affiliated SAR individual members
    To register in this category you must be an individual SAR members without any art related institutional employment
  • EUR 30.00 Students
    Copy of a valid student card must be provided when registering for the conference

You may apply for SAR-membership here. For both Individual and Institutional Membership, the 2021 fee must have been paid before you attend the conference.

Cancellation policy: We cannot offer any refunds of conference fees.


Society for Artistic Research

The Society for Artistic Research (SAR) is a non-profit organization that nurtures, connects and disseminates artistic research as specific practices of creating knowledge and insight. SAR facilitates a range of encounters for its community of artistic practitioners in the pursuit of transformative understanding that impacts on political and societal processes as well as on cultures of research and learning.

MDW — University of Music and performing Arts Vienna

The Society for Artistic Research (SAR) is a non-profit organization that nurtures, connects and disseminates artistic research as specific practices of creating knowledge and insight. SAR facilitates a range of encounters for its community of artistic practitioners in the pursuit of transformative understanding that impacts on political and societal processes as well as on cultures of research and learning.

Academy of fine arts Vienna

The Society for Artistic Research (SAR) is a non-profit organization that nurtures, connects and disseminates artistic research as specific practices of creating knowledge and insight. SAR facilitates a range of encounters for its community of artistic practitioners in the pursuit of transformative understanding that impacts on political and societal processes as well as on cultures of research and learning.

Academy of Applied Arts Vienna

The Society for Artistic Research (SAR) is a non-profit organization that nurtures, connects and disseminates artistic research as specific practices of creating knowledge and insight. SAR facilitates a range of encounters for its community of artistic practitioners in the pursuit of transformative understanding that impacts on political and societal processes as well as on cultures of research and learning.